Sunday, July 12, 2009

Vocabulary words

Okay, this one is great! We were eating dinner one night, having chicken and rice. Our 8 year old daughter has a little Ty beanie baby pig named "Knuckles". She wanted me to put aside some food on her plate for Knuckles to enjoy. We then got on the subject of whether a pig would eat chicken. I said, "Well, I think pigs eat just about anything." Our daughter said, "Well, do you think they'd eat hot dogs?" Our ten year old son quickly replied, "Yeah, that would make them lesbians!" Once we regained our composure, I asked him, "Why would you call a pig who eats hot dogs a lesbian?" He said "You know, something that eats its own kind is a lesbian!" "Ohhhhh, you mean a cannibal?" Ha-ha! That was our vocabulary lesson for the day! Unfortunately, the lesson took a little more deeper turn than I wanted it to as our 8 year old daughter and 5 year old son wanted to know what a lesbian was!!! Oi vey!!

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