Tuesday, July 14, 2009

She's found!

Well, we had quite the upset in our family beginning last night. The neighbor kids were over last night, and with our oldest 2, were jumping on the trampoline. I went out there about 9pm to tell them all it was time to come in. I noticed our gate to the backyard was open. I asked the kids if they'd seen the dog, and of course, no one knew if she had escaped or not. Well, the poor thing, we got crazy at that point with baths, bedtime, and the whole routine. My husband and I got up early this morning, and he asked me, "Did you ever find Rollo?" Poor dog, she completely got forgotten! Well, at that point, real panic set in. We perused the neighborhood and the house, looking under beds, in beds, downstairs, any where she may be sleeping. No luck. I had to head to work, but once the kids were up, Ryan got them busy making posters to find the lost dog. Long story short, after several hours, Ryan heard a snorting noise from the kids' bathroom. Yes, she was under the bathroom sink in one of the cabinets. How, why??? Who knows. All of the kids seem clueless! No one wants to fess up. I just don't get why she wouldn't respond when we were calling her. She's 5 years old, and fairly good sized, so I know she could have pushed open the door if she had wanted to! Then it hit me; maybe she didn't want to!!! She was in a nice, quiet place with no one pulling her tail or ears, or trying to ride on her back! I'm going now to see if I can fit under the bathroom sink cabinet!!! (You'll know where to find me!!)

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