Tuesday, July 14, 2009

She's found!

Well, we had quite the upset in our family beginning last night. The neighbor kids were over last night, and with our oldest 2, were jumping on the trampoline. I went out there about 9pm to tell them all it was time to come in. I noticed our gate to the backyard was open. I asked the kids if they'd seen the dog, and of course, no one knew if she had escaped or not. Well, the poor thing, we got crazy at that point with baths, bedtime, and the whole routine. My husband and I got up early this morning, and he asked me, "Did you ever find Rollo?" Poor dog, she completely got forgotten! Well, at that point, real panic set in. We perused the neighborhood and the house, looking under beds, in beds, downstairs, any where she may be sleeping. No luck. I had to head to work, but once the kids were up, Ryan got them busy making posters to find the lost dog. Long story short, after several hours, Ryan heard a snorting noise from the kids' bathroom. Yes, she was under the bathroom sink in one of the cabinets. How, why??? Who knows. All of the kids seem clueless! No one wants to fess up. I just don't get why she wouldn't respond when we were calling her. She's 5 years old, and fairly good sized, so I know she could have pushed open the door if she had wanted to! Then it hit me; maybe she didn't want to!!! She was in a nice, quiet place with no one pulling her tail or ears, or trying to ride on her back! I'm going now to see if I can fit under the bathroom sink cabinet!!! (You'll know where to find me!!)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Vocabulary words

Okay, this one is great! We were eating dinner one night, having chicken and rice. Our 8 year old daughter has a little Ty beanie baby pig named "Knuckles". She wanted me to put aside some food on her plate for Knuckles to enjoy. We then got on the subject of whether a pig would eat chicken. I said, "Well, I think pigs eat just about anything." Our daughter said, "Well, do you think they'd eat hot dogs?" Our ten year old son quickly replied, "Yeah, that would make them lesbians!" Once we regained our composure, I asked him, "Why would you call a pig who eats hot dogs a lesbian?" He said "You know, something that eats its own kind is a lesbian!" "Ohhhhh, you mean a cannibal?" Ha-ha! That was our vocabulary lesson for the day! Unfortunately, the lesson took a little more deeper turn than I wanted it to as our 8 year old daughter and 5 year old son wanted to know what a lesbian was!!! Oi vey!!


Boy, it is hard to be disciplined and stay up with this blog! I always think of things I want to put on, but finding the time is a challenge. Actually, there's the time, it's just those darn time management skills! There's one thing I want to share that our five year old said that had us rolling on the floor. We're just driving down the road, listening to radio, (it was actually eerily quiet in the car), when he said "you know, if someone didn't have any muscles, I could beat them up." You know, you wonder what he was thinking about that put that idea in his head!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Great quotes

I want to share a few funny things the kids said while on our vacation the last couple of days. We were in Independence, KS and drove by a cemetery. There is a little building, which I'm assuming is a mausoleum. Our five year old said "Look, a house of God!" It was hilarious. A little while later, we were talking about our vacation we were headed to at a lake. Our eight year old said "When I have kids, I'm going to take them to the Grand Canyon." My husband said, "Wow, that sounds great, can mom and I go too?" She promptly replied, "Well no, you'll be dead by then!"

Friday, June 19, 2009

35 cents doesn't get you much any more!

How sad. My five year old was digging in the dirt beside the driveway and actually found 35 cents! He was so excited. The look on his face was so sad when I told him there wasn't anything he could by at Target for 35 cents! I don't even think you can get a little pack of gum for that any longer; can you?

You know you're getting old when...

you hurt your foot jumping off the diving board! How sad is that? I'm sitting here with my foot elevated and an ice pack on it, trying to speed the healing process as I have to work this weekend! I also know I'm getting old as every time I go swimming now, I end up with swimmers ear. I'm going to have to resort to the ear plugs. I REFUSE to wear the swim cap though!!

A two year olds help with home improvements

For those of you who don't know, we are rehabbing a house that was built in 1900. I hung paintable wall paper on the focal wall that looks like tin ceilings. I painted it a real deep purple, which took about five coats! I was having the kids help me pull the painters tape off the baseboards. The 2 year old was doing great until he saw a tiny piece of wallpaper loose at the bottom! Rip!!! There's a nice jagged whole in the pretty purple wall now! I was able to glue the piece back in and repaint it, but we'll always know it's there! Guess a piece of furniture will have to go there!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Plug it in!!

Well, I didn't get a chance to post yesterday. Shame on me! Yesterday's lesson; if you plan to cook a chicken in the crock pot, you'd better plug it in! So much for planning ahead! Today's lesson, put your hand under the spaghetti box before you pull it out of the pantry! I pulled out a new box and the bottom fell out, littering the floor with dry spaghetti! It looked like hay scattered on the floor! You wouldn't believe how difficult it is to pick up! Ryan was picking it up as my oldest son and I were trying to corral the little kids out of the kitchen as it was sooooo tempting to step on it!!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Anarchy in the Dresher house......

Lesson for today; DO NOT run out of cholcolate milk powder or peanut butter in this house! The first thing the 2 year old asks for is chocolate milk in the morning. Yes, I am a bad mom, I give my kids chocolate powder in their milk, and the 2 year old is using a sippy cup none the less! Secondly, we HAVE to have waffles, pancakes, or french toast EVERY morning and it MUST have Jiff brand, creamy PB! Oh Heavens! Here's what we had: I scrounged and found some Swiss Miss hot chocolate mix, okay, chocolate milk. Next, we have fruit snacks, boiled eggs, and buttered toast! I think I'm lacking a few food groups there, but we survived!

Friday, June 12, 2009


Todays fun adventure and lesson learned; know what time the snowcone stand opens before you walk a mile there with 6 kids! Lesson 2, don't put water balloons in your mouth. Somehow the "don't put balloons in your mouth" lesson, didn't apply to water balloons to the kids??!!